Waves in the Spirit


Every wave eventually reaches the shore,and then retreats from whence it came.



So it is with negativity.

Only in the realm of the flesh

does negativity have a place.



In the realm of the Spirit,

there is unity, love, peace, joy,

transcendence, connectivity, abundance,

creativity and life.



Once you are spiritually awakened,

you are eternally connected

to the essence of the Creator,

to the very core of the entire universe.



Some people are awakened spiritually

by way of an epiphany.




by some technique, guru,

or other worldly incentive.



But there are coming those

who are spiritually awakened because

their eyes have been opened to see

the conditions of the world,

to see the need for it to change!



They see injustice,

they see death and greed,

they see hunger and war,

without any attempt towards peace,



These shall bring the realization

that there is to more to life,

than what is being presently offered,

and they find it by living in the spirit!



“Castles made of sand

slip into the sea, 




Orenda Àse

“The Abyssinian”

The End Times Cometh

The End Times Cometh

“Our generation

is the 1st generation

to fulfill ALL the biblical signs!

Now has the beginning

of The End begun.

The question is:

Are we ready?”

Orenda ‘Ase


“The Abyssinian”

Be Free To Be


"Freed from the Bondage of Limitations"

“Freed from the Bondage of


“Attend to the words of our Leader and true prophets.”

 “Whom the Son has set free is free indeed.”

John 8:38

“The Lord Jesus Christ”


Don’t you know that you are free?

Well, at least in your mind,

if you want to be!”


Sly Stone



“The student asked,

‘Teacher, you speak often of being free.

Why is this?’


“And I responded,

‘Because it has always been the Creator’s will for man,

and so few realize or experience it.”


“Why is this so, Teacher? “


“Because of the price for being free.”


“Well then, what is the price? “


“First, one must be spiritually free.

The Lord Jesus paid the price for us all,

if you believe.

To accept this removes you from the world system

you embraced to this point in time.


“Secondly, one must be free in the mind.

You must separate from those you may

love or admire, for many have,

(unknowingly to you),

established strong holds of limitations

in your mind.

These people and thoughts must be

uprooted from within,

permitting love and truth to be planted.

This is the cost!

“Blessed is he who is free in his mind,

for that one is positioned to possess

the mind of Christ.”

The Abyssinian “