Choices of Life


 “Consider the things you remember.

The people, places, the moments in time which are

indelibly branded in your consciousness,

and the others memories which seem to

 fade away like a mist.

I’ve lived a life different from other men, 

having no sense of direction concerning life.

I unconsciously took one step after another,

progressing toward a unknown destination.

Suddenly one day,

I turned around and observed my life retrospectively.

I noticed something which compelled me

to confront personal truths.

What I learned was this:

With each step I took in life,

I did so by making a choice,

whether it was to turn one way or the other,

to advance, to retreat,

or remain resolute,

to choose between right and wrong,

love and hate,

or even life or death.

This revelation invariably lead 

to the initiation of Enlightenment.

It took me some time to understand this,


but when that day of Awakening came,

I realized that my life was comprised

by the sum of my choices.

That was the day I became a man.

Beginning now,

it’s time for some new choices…”

Orenda Àse

The Abyssinian

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